
Distington Vintage and Classic car show

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Organised by the West Cumbria Vintage Club and billed as the “West Cumbria Vintage Club Rally” this excellent show is held at Hayescastle farm, down a road called Hayescastle road, Distington, CA14 5YB close to the town of Whitehaven in Cumbria.

The event takes place on a prepared field and the event has lots of things to do, and see from steam traction engines, wartime vehicles, vintage trucks and cars, through to classic and modern cars, motor bikes, tractors, buses and much much more. Plus traders stalls, food stalls and entertainment as well.

It is certainly a family day out with all that is going on, and as mentioned in my write up for the Gazette for the 2024 show, which was the first club attendance for many a year, the show is not only car heaven, but also tractor heaven, bus heaven, truck heaven, motor bike heaven and with a smattering of steam engines thrown in. Last year was a really good show with the weather being kind to us and there was even displays of Falconry and a dog show arena.

The club attendance is free, per car and its occupants, but it is essential to complete your details and hit the BOOK NOW button so that I can keep a check on how many and what cars will be attending.

Nearer to the time I will be informing the organisers of final numbers and they will be sending me all the entry tickets to hand out to you, or I will scan and email for you to print out and use or send them by snail mail to your home address. – whichever is best at the time.

You must bring your ticket(s) with you to gain entry to the show grounds. Direction will be given to you upon entry so that you can locate the Mercedes Club area, but I am sure you will be able to spot the club flag and banner and the Coleman shelter once your on the show ground. Please follow all guidance to park up and display safely.

You arrival for club stand attendance is required by 10.00am before the general public arrivals is opened up at 10.30am.

This event is always held on a well-drained field (the grass is cut for the event), and the weather is nearly always kind to the day of the event with the weather for the 2024 show being a particularly lovely sunny day.

Event details

Time of event
8:00am to 4:30pm

Date(s) of event
6 July 2025 to 6 July 2025

Postcode: CA14 5YB

Accessibility information

All access - from parking to getting around the show and the food stands etc is all on level and firm ground which is prepared by the supporting farmer for the show.

Dog access

Allowed on a lead

Tickets Required

Current membership is a requirement for this event

Tickets are booked on a per vehicle basis

Want to come to this event? > Click here to login or join the club