A Positive Outlook for the Club – Brian Ellis’ Recent Letter to Regional Officers & Model Register Captains

To all Regional Officers (ROs) and Model Register Captains (MRCs)

We are now midway through the Car Club season and we have had a very full programme of events across the country, with over 120 events listed on our website events page still to take place. Including Pub Meets we will have held over 500 various events in total this year.

This is entirely thanks to all of you, with your hard work and organisational skills providing this unprecedented level of events, meetings and get-togethers for our membership.

A few ROs and MRCs have yet to hold an event but I’m sure you have yours in the pipeline.

At the Officials’ Study Day (OSD), we explained the reasons why we needed to be financially frugal and I am glad to report the vast majority of you accepted this concept and I am very happy to report that the Board now have turned a corner on the previous huge financial losses.  Again, all of you have been instrumental in achieving this reversal of fortune for which I sincerely thank you. We still have a little way to go, but we have made a huge step forward.

As you all know, in the past fifteen months we have introduced the ECF (Event Creation Form) system together with the long waited for electronic events booking and payment system which, although it started slowly,  has now become the norm and over 2,800 bookings have been made on the system by members to date.

We have appointed over 20 new officials this past year, but we still have a few gaps to fill and we are active in seeking out new volunteers. We also have a few vacancies on the Club’s Board of Directors and if any of you would like to join the team and help move the club forward then contact our Chairman, Clive Henderson who will be more than willing to explain what’s involved.

I believe with you all we have a great enthusiastic team of Officials who are the heartbeat of the Club and without whom the Club would not exist. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank you all and hope to see you at some upcoming events.

Kind Regards


Brian Ellis

Director – Regions, Model Registers, Concours Manager

Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more