Consultations, outcomes and coming soon

FBHVC Historic Vehicle Survey 2025

A little later this year, the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs will undertake a major survey of historic vehicle ownership in the UK. We will share links to allow Club Members to take part – and strongly encourage you to do so if you own a historic vehicle (over 30 years old).

The purpose of the Federation’s on-going research programme is to support its primary objective of upholding the right to use historic vehicles on the road without either restriction or need for modification, thus keeping yesterday’s vehicles on tomorrow’s roads. FBHVC needs to influence politicians and the media to argue our case and thus help support and maintain our current freedoms. The best way of exerting that influence is to demonstrate the historic vehicle movement’s contribution at international, national and local levels. Details of previous FBHVC research are here:

DVLA Consultation

Last year, we alerted Members to a Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency consultation on “Registering historic, classic, rebuilt vehicles and vehicles converted to electric”. The consultation was wide-ranging and some Members with a particular interest made individual submissions.

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs recently met with DVLA to be briefed on the progress of DVLA’s response to the consultation. While DVLA’s formal response is yet to be published, the indications are encouraging that the views of the classic car community have been heard and taken on board. It appears that DVLA is working on a distinct simplification of the registration process for repaired vehicles. We will report more fully when the response to the consultation is published.

Technical Team Visit to Stuttgart

The Club’s Technical Team provide an invaluable service to Members by providing detailed and expert technical advice.  Their contact details are on the Club website,  in the Club Directory or available from the office.

Later in February, Clive Williams and Jeremy Stevens from the Club’s Technical Team, accompanied by Club Technical Director Tim Rycroft, will visit Stuttgart for meetings with senior Mercedes-Benz AG technical staff and also the many German Mercedes-Benz model clubs.  If there are particular issues you would like them to raise (yes, parts availability definitely will be raised!) please email Tim Rycroft on


Tim Rycroft, Director, Technical, and Editor in Chief

Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more