Director Vacancy – Operations & Development

The Club seeks applications from within our membership to be our Director – Operations and Development.

This is a wide-ranging role across all business processes of the Club and includes developing strategies to increase Club membership.

Key responsibilities of this role include:

  • Modernising and improving the Club’s policies & procedures where necessary, establishing and maintaining new policies and procedures as required and reviewing for best practice on a regular basis
  • Creating operational strategies and plans to simplify our procedures and improve our efficiency
  • Develop strategies and plans to improve Membership recruitment and retention
  • Ensure the Club has an effective documented strategy for Business Continuity across all functions of the Club
  • Helping and assisting Board colleagues on other projects as and when required

The person appointed will need:

  • an ability to think analytically and solve problems
  • an ability to communicate effectively
  • an understanding of business practices in other organisations
  • an ability to work under their own initiative
  • to have been a continuous member of the Club for at least 4 years

Candidates should apply in the first instance to using the Application for Board Director Position form which can be downloaded from this link here:

The closing date for applications is the 31st July with shortlisting interviews if needed, being held in August. As part of their application, candidates will be required to write a statement for publication to allow an informed vote. There will then be an on-line ballot open to the membership, to fill the post from the shortlisted candidates during September.  The link to the on-line ballot together with shortlisted candidates’ statements and the names of their proposer and seconders will be published on the Club website, the Club Forum and will appear in the September edition of the Club’s eNewsletter, ClubNews, which is due out at the end of August.

For an informal discussion about the post or if you have any questions, please contact who will be happy to discuss with you.

Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more