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In the photo above they are, left to right, Steve Howie, Membership Services (steve.howie@mercedes-benz-club.co.uk). Ian Keers OBE, Chairman (ian.keers@mercedes-benz-club.co.uk) was unable to attend due to covid and Brian Ellis is seen here reading out a statement on his behalf. Clive Henderson , National Events and Regional Development (clive.henderson@mercedes-benz-club.co.uk). Michael Morrison, Finance (michael.morrison@mercedes-benz-club.co.uk). John Wallis, IT (john.wallis@mercede-benz-club.co.uk). Alan Chalkley, Communications and Marketing (alan.chalkley@mercedes-benz-club.co.uk).
Chris Bass (chris.bass@mercedes-benz-club) has returned as Gazette Editor.