Member’s Survey – 2023 – The Results

The primary analysis has been completed and we can now share the results of the member’s survey undertaken this summer.

Thank you to all members who completed our recent survey which opened on the 21st June and closed on the 14th August. Typical market research response rates vary from 5% to 25%, the higher end usually being achieved only by closed organisations like our Club. I am delighted to report that 2239 of our members responded to our survey out of 8500 current members, giving a response rate of 26% so the results are as representative as possible.

The results of the 38 questions are presented graphically with some initial commentary where relevant.  Additionally there were thousands of comments made to six open questions and these comments are reproduced in the appendix of the report.

The results make an interesting read, dispel some myths and will provide powerful fuel for the Club to consider its future strategy.

You can download the full report here

A shorter version without the 40 pages of comments will appear in the Gazette,

If  you have any questions about the survey, please contact


Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more