Statement by Interim Chairman Ian Keers OBE


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Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your support. The last few months have been difficultfor the Club, and I know there has been a lot of upset and disquiet. I give you my categorical assurance, that the new Interim Board will work tirelessly to bring back harmony and stability and will work in a completely open and transparent way. The Interim Board is made up from experienced and committed members and I have absolute confidence in their ability to move us forward in a positive way, let me introduce them to you now, along with their initial roles, although these may change as we reshape the Club for the future:

Alan Chalkley – Marketing and Communications
Clive Henderson – National Events, the Regions and Model Registers
Geoffrey Hunter – Company Secretary
Steve Howie – Membership and the Stamford Office staff
Michael Morrison – Finance
John Wallis – Internet, ie. Website, Forum and Archive
I will act as Interim Chairman and Gazette Editor-in-Chief. Any areas uncovered, such as
Technical, will be absorbed by the rest of us until suitable volunteers can be found.

I would also like to thank our Advisors, again well-known members, Mic Bennet, Brian Ellis and Stuart Mathieson who have done a huge amount of work in preparing for these changes in the face of much obstruction from the outgoing Board.

The Interim Board has three main objectives:

1. As I said earlier, to return harmony and stability to the Club and to ensure all Club activities and processes are working normally.

2. To operate in a completely open and transparent way. All Directors will engage freely and openly with the membership through the Gazette, Website and Forum, there will be no more “invisible” Directors, no more “I don’t use the Forum”nonsense. Board Meeting Minutes will be published on the Website immediately
after sign-off.

3. The Interim Board will develop a completely new nomination and election process for Club Directors which will enable all members to vote simply online or by post for Directors who are successfully nominated and who stand for election before the whole Club. No longer will members have to physically attend a meeting or have to grapple with a complicated Proxy voting process in order to vote. This change will require a change to the Club’s Articles of Association and once developed, will be put before the Members for Approval. Once in place, we will never again have to go through the absurdly complicated process that we have just endured. Subject to membership approval, the Interim Board will then open the process for Nominations and Elections for a new, substantive Board and when this is
elected, the Directors of the Interim Board, not elected to the substantive Board will stand down.
We have created a list of matters requiring immediate action to commence a smooth hand- over and this work will start now. We will keep all members fully apprised of our progress as we move forward.
Thank you to everyone who has supported this major change, I can assure you that the Club is in safe, capable hands and we will do everything possible to improve your enjoyment of the Club and your cars.

Ian Keers OBE
Interim Chairman



Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more