The new Club Board from January 15th 2023

The newly elected board were voted in unanimously at the AGM this morning and held their first board meeting this afternoon where they agreed their staggered lengths of office and elected the Chairman, who will be Clive Henderson. Here is a welcome from each of your new Club directors.

Clive Henderson: Chairman and Director – National Events

Length of office – until November 2025

The AGM held today, on January 15th, marks the end of a turbulent period within our Club and for the first time in the Club’s history, the Membership have been able to express their wishes in the vote on the Director candidates in a democratic election.

I wish to thank the Members that took part in the vote and also to restate that the new Board intends to operate within a culture of open communication and transparency.

Thanks and appreciation are due to the Interim Board who held office until the election of the substantive Board was concluded, of special note was the Chairmanship of Ian Keers and the untiring work which Michael Morrison engaged in to unravel the Club’s complex financial arrangements.

Today, at the conclusion of the AGM the newly elected Board held their first Board meeting, at this meeting my fellow Directors voted me in to the position of Club Chair. I will perform the position of Chairman alongside my role of Director – National Events. An election from those Directors who may be interested in taking up the position of Chair will be held each year.

If you have any queries or require information regarding Club matters, please contact me at alternatively by private message on the Club Forum to CliveH

Dennis Parker: Director – Finance

Length of office – until November 2025

Thank you to everyone who voted for me and also to everyone who took part in the Board elections voting process, it is important that the Club opens itself up to every member in a truly open and democratic way.

In my new role, I will be responsible to the Board and ultimately to the membership for the sound management of the Club’s finances. My tasks will include budget setting, forecasting, authorising payments from Club funds as well as monitoring the Club’s cash flow to ensure we can and do meet all of our financial obligations. I intend to be open with the membership about our finances and will be happy to respond to any questions asked. You may contact me by email at:

Brian Ellis: Director – Regions and Model Registers

Length of office – until November 2023

First I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the Board elections. I will put every effort into my responsibilities which will be to appoint and assist all the Club’s RO’s and MRC’s in authorising their events and budgets. It is my intention to simplify all the Club processes which have historically created difficulties in undertaking these roles. 

We will revisit the complex geography of the current Club regions and with your agreements, amend them if necessary. I will work with you all to ensure you get satisfaction from your roles and for the benefit of the membership. Transparency will run through everything we undertake. I can be contacted on Thank you.

David Thompson: Director – Organisational Development

Length of office – until November 2024

Many thanks to all members who participated by voting in the new transparent Board election process.

As the Board lead for Membership recruitment and retention I intend to improve the overall Club membership experience for all. To facilitate this I will, where necessary, be leading change to the Club’s processes / systems to simplify and improve efficiency. To enable informed strategic decision making by the team of Directors I will be developing monthly / quarterly reporting requirements.

To support positive change, clear transparent two-way communication is essential and I consider myself accountable to all members in addition to the Board. Please feel free to contact me at or via the Forum, my Id is: DT128

Stuart Mathieson: Director – Strategy & Systems

Length of office – until November 2025

I am delighted to have had the support of members who voted for me and I undertake to do my best for all members of the club. I will take the board lead in three main areas; Helping the Club with long term planning and strategy, representing IT, the Technical Team and systems and working to provide good, transparent communications within the Club. I will also be continuing my role as Model Register Captain for the 107s. 

I will keep members updated in more detail about my work as it develops. You can always contact me at or on the Club forum as Stuart_Mathieson

Satinder S. Grewal: Director – Marketing

Length of office – until November 2024

My sincere Thanks to all my Sponsors and voting Members for their support. As a Member for 20 years of our fantastic Club, I feel very privileged to have been given this opportunity democratically, to develop and deliver the Marketing needs moving forwards. I will be engaging closely with the new Board, MBUK, Publishers, Events Coordinators and digital outlets for suitable campaigns, to achieve maximum exposure for best value towards growing the Membership for all to enjoy with updates as my Role progresses. I will continue my already very rewarding Role as Valuer (London/ South East region).

I look forward to meeting as many Members as possible and welcome suggestions and input.

I can be contacted at or Forum @SatinderSG

Clive Ricketts: Director – Social Media

Length of office – until November 2024

Firstly, i like to thank all who voted for me and all who voted

I am truly grateful and excited for the opportunity to represent the club across all social media platforms after doing so for many years on Instagram with a view to spread this enthusiasm across YouTube and even TikTok. I will be active and responsive on social media, and I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions you may have. Thank you once again for all your current and future support.

Lucy Wylde: Director – Club Services

Length of office – until November 2023

I am thrilled that members have appointed me as a director of our Club and am looking forward to being the Board’s lead on services. My key responsibility will be to support Catherine and Mel in their day-to-day running of the Office but I will also oversee the Club shop and liaise with relevant officials including Membership Benefits and Health and Safety. A longer-term goal is to work out how members can better get to enjoy the Club’s archive.

As I have a legal and governance background I will also support Board members on legal matters and will be the Director appointed to carry out the functions of the Club’s Company Secretary until that vacancy is filled. You can contact me at or on the forum as Lwylde.

Notice of AGM 2024

The 66th Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Club Limited will be held in the Hatton Suite at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick, Stratford Road, [...]> Find out more